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Business Facebook Pages: Top 6 Questions and Answers

Confused about what Facebook Pages can do for your business? Here's some insight and everything you need to know about getting started.

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6 min read

Business Facebook Pages: Top 6 Questions and Answers

More than 180 million small businesses use Business Facebook Pages to operate and scale their companies.

Its widespread use isn’t surprising, considering Facebook is a global platform with free tools for users of all ages, locations, and industries to enjoy.

What is surprising is there are many small businesses that haven’t taken advantage of Facebook’s business networking power...yet.

Many business owners have lingering confusion about how Business Facebook Pages work, what they do to help a company, and why they should be considered for use at all.

To help ease any confusion, we’ll go over the top six questions and answers about Business Facebook Pages that can help your small business thrive.

1. What is a Business Facebook Page?

First, it’s important to understand some basics.

Facebook Profile vs. Facebook Page

A profile is personal to an individual. It allows a person to share information about themselves in the form of photos, status updates, and more. (Note: You’ll need a personal profile to create a page.)

Meanwhile, a page is a place within Facebook where a company, organization, circle of friends, or other group can come together to collaborate and share information about what they do. You need a Facebook profile to start a new page or be added as an admin to an existing one.

A Business Facebook Page is a web page where you can display information about your business, advertise your company, sell products or services, and interact with your consumers.

2. How does a Business Facebook Page work?

A Business Facebook Page connects your company with a public audience of over 2 million people. It gives you a platform to advertise your business and keep both current and potential clients updated on your company.

It works like this:

Let’s say you live in Denver, Colorado and own a professional painting business. You’re looking to attract more customers and really get the word out about your brand, so you create a Business Facebook Page.

After adding photos of your work, specific company information, and a couple of initial posts, you begin receiving messages from people in your area who are searching for “professional painters in Denver, Colorado.”

Boom. Just like that, you’re now marketing your business on Facebook’s social platform and will be receiving multiple new client leads!

Keep in mind, a Business Facebook Page lets you:

  • Schedule posts
  • Message your customers
  • Display your business name and information
  • Add photos of your company, employees, projects, and more.
  • Include call-to-action buttons to gain leads
  • Promote your content
  • View and understand how customers are interacting with your brand
  • Upload special features, such as menu items, store hours, product pages, and more

Mobile Business Facebook Pages

3. Why is a Business Facebook Page important?

It’s important to consider Facebook as a viable marketing tool for your small business because it’s the number one social media platform in the United States—capturing nearly 69% of adults.

A Business Facebook Page is unique. Unlike a lot of standard website platforms, a Business Facebook Page makes it easy for you to personally interact with your clients by answering their questions and responding to their comments about your products and services.

It’s a fantastic tool to help you learn more about your audience, bring your business online, and increase your overall sales.

It does an incredible job too because—while you have the option to invest in paid advertisements on Facebook—it’s organic. This means that people will be searching for you, rather than you having to search for them.

Nowadays, people turn to social media platforms for more than just entertainment, so it’s imperative that you have a stake in the world of social media marketing.

4. Do Business Facebook Pages cost money?

You have everything to gain from making a business profile because creating one is free.

All you need is a personal Facebook account and a business...and you’re in business!

Down the line if you wish to enroll in paid advertising methods for Facebook campaigns, you have the option. This includes ads such as:

  • Videos
  • Images
  • Slideshows
  • Reviews
  • And more!

The flexibility in Facebook’s payment schema makes it easy for businesses of all sizes and stages to both start and scale.

5. How do I create a Business Facebook Page?

Creating a Business Facebook Page is simple. Here are the steps:

Step 1: From Facebook’s Business Help Page, select “create a page.”

Step 2: Choose whether you are a “business or brand” or a “community or public figure.”

Step 3: Login to your personal Facebook account when the page prompts you to.

Step 4: Pick your business’s primary industry.

Step 5: Ta da! You now have a Business Facebook Page

From here, you’ll have the ability to customize certain options: Profile photo, cover photo, domain name, and specific business details, such as store hours, locations, prices, product descriptions, etc.

It’s as easy as that! For more information or tips on creating one of these pages, be sure to reference Facebook’s guide.

Business Facebook Page Desktop

6. How do I get the best results with my Business Facebook Page?

If you already have a Business Facebook Page, it may be time to make some updates. There are a number of ways to improve your page’s viewership and engagement.

Here are a few:

1. Finish what you started.

Many Facebook users have half-finished Pages that are missing important information potential customers need to know. Don’t forget to include important details like:

  • A brief business description and mission statement
  • A profile and cover photo
  • Contact information
  • A booking, scheduling, or call button
  • Your physical address if you have a storefront
  • A list of services / merchandise and prices

The more comprehensive your Page is, the easier it is for customers to interact with it. Try to fill out every detail to the best of your ability.

2. Be active.

As mentioned before, the benefit to using Facebook as a marketing tool is that it’s social.

It’s not quite enough to have a Business Facebook Page. Rather, you’ll see the best results for your business if you are active in posting updates and responding to customers queries and comments.

Think about some of your favorite brands and companies and their online accounts. Odds are, they’re personable and responsive to their customers on media platforms. Take note and really get the most out of your Facebook Page by doing the same.

3. Tell the world "about" you!

Business owners often overlook the “About” section of their Business Page. However, it’s a false assumption that people don’t want to hear about your company.

In fact, about 52% of people cast their vote saying that they want an about page to be the first thing they see on a company’s page.

If you don’t already have this section filled out, consider using this section to talk about the founding of your company or to highlight some of your main selling points.

Here are some questions you can answer to get started:

  • What made you choose your industry?
  • Do you have any specific credentials you can mention?
  • What products or services do you provide?
  • Are you a family-owned or operated business?
  • What year did you start?
  • What are your company’s strongest values?

And with that, you’re well on your way to expanding your business—one Facebook Page at a time.

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