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Get reviews & take control of your digital reputation

Review Generation Made Easy

You need the right tools to help you get more reviews for your small business and grow your online reputation.

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GoSite helps owner-operators like you…

your review requests

Rapidly increase your reviews

Raise your average star rating

Boost your Google ranking

Generate ongoing, positive word-of-mouth

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Build Your Online Reputation

Easily collect customer feedback and grow your online presence with automated reviews.

Do you know the top reason why local businesses don’t get reviews?

The answer is simple…

They forget to ask.

GoSite makes it so that you never forget to ask again by offering premium review generation tools that make it easy and fun for you and your staff to grow your reputation on Google, Facebook, and more.

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With GoSite, You can  work smarter, not harder.

  • 30-50% more scheduled bookings

  • Cut late payments in half

  • 400% boost in positive reviews

  • 150% more in sales

  • 1000% more love for what you do

Best of all, you will be able to use GoSite’s simple home services technology instantly without having to spend weeks figuring out how it works. Simply upload your contacts, connect your Google business page, and you're ready to grow your reviews.

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Thousands of owner-operators depend on GoSite as an indispensable tool for managing their small business online reputation.

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Stand Out From Your Competitors

In today’s market, people depend on peer reviews before making a buying decision. And that means businesses need to find better ways to get reviews from their customers. GoSite’s online review tool makes the review request process simple so that you can focus on what you do best while your happy customers spread the word on your behalf.

  • Over 90% of consumers say online reviews influence their buying decisions.

  • Businesses that respond to reviews are seen twice as trustworthy than businesses who don't.

  • 80% of customers research a business online before reaching out to that business.

Sources: Adweek, Gartner, Convince & Convert, Businesswire, Incisiv

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With GoSite Reviews, You Can…

01 More Reviews Made Simple

Automate Review Requests

You can send review requests via text message or email, and even integrate your existing systems with Reviews to send requests automatically.

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Automate Review Request

02 See Your Reviews Grow

Track Review Responses

After sending review requests, GoSite lets you see who responded to your request.

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Track Review Responses

03 Boost Your Online Engagement

Respond to Reviews

Whether good or bad, every review deserves a proactive, gracious response.

More importantly, responding to reviews delights customers and increases your SEO.

GoSite makes it easy for you to reply to reviews and stay engaged with your audience.

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Respond to Reviews

04 The Ultimate Business Management App

Integrate With All GoSite Tools

With GoSite, you can connect Reviews with your mobile-friendly invoices, Payments, Messenger, and small business CRM. 

The GoSite app is the online reviews software you need to scale your small business the right way.

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Integrate With All GoSite Tools-2

How Owner-operators Thrive in the Digital Age

Owner-operator + the Right Technology

  • 84% of small business owners who adopt technology see a boost in sales.

  • 88% of owner-operators found they were happier in their work after they adopted the right technology.

  • 87% of small businesses were able to weather COVID-19 and recessions thanks to the right technology.

Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce

GoSite is the review generation software of choice for today’s top owner-operators.

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GoSite simple technology gosite home services app small business simple technology skilled trades professionals

See How GoSite’s Simple Technology Can Help Your Small Business Thrive


GoSite is a trusted leader among the best review software companies today.


g2  Winter 2023 Awards

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⭐ Best in Support  ⭐ Best in service  ⭐ Best in class 


Frequently Asked Questions


Can I respond to reviews from the GoSite app?
100%. In fact, we strongly encourage you to respond to your reviews, so we make it easy on GoSite. To respond to reviews, you will need to access Reviews through a desktop computer.

Under the All Reviews tab in your dashboard, you will be able to see reviews. To respond, click on a review, type in your message, and click Reply. 

Can I customize my review requests?
Yes. You can customize the copy and graphics however you like before sending review request messages. This will not only help your company get reviews more often, but it will also support your marketing efforts and improve your overall customer experience.

Can I create a shareable review request link?
Absolutely. You can generate a review request link to use in all your digital outreach, including email/SMS campaigns, your email signature, link to a QR code, and more.

Can I add my top reviews to my website?
The GoSite Reviews widget generates a simple code that you can copy and paste into your website. As soon as you get reviews you want to share, they will automatically post directly to your site.

Can I send and manage reviews from the GoSite mobile app?
Totally. GoSite Reviews is available on both mobile and desktop.

Have more questions?
Check out GoSite’s Knowledge Base for more information on how the customer review generator works.