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How to Use Reviews

Reviews by GoSite makes it easy to get more positive reviews and manage your online reputation. Here's how.

2 min read

Sticks and stones can break your bones, but reviews can make or break your business.  

GoSite’s Review® software is a complete reputation management solution that allows a business to manage and monitor their online reviews, gain insight using automated customer feedback, and drive more positive online reviews across their web presence. Here’s what you need to know about reviews...and Reviews®. 


Why Are Reviews Important?

In the age of digital consumerism, buyers look to reviews to assist them in making purchasing decisions; reviews are social currency. In other words, monkey see good reviews, monkey buy product too.

Not only do your buyers depend on reviews to make decisions, but reviews are a cue to Google known as an activity signal. When Google sees consistent and recent reviews, it lets the search engine know you’re alive and kicking. As a result, you get a little local SEO boost. 


How to Use Reviews® to Get Reviews 

Reviews® makes it easy to request reviews via: 

  • Email. Log into your dashboard > Navigate to the “Reviews” tab > Click “Send Review Request.” You’ll be prompted to enter a customer’s email(s). Then hit “Send Now” or “Schedule.”
  • SMS. Log into your dashboard > Navigate to the “Reviews” tab > Click “All Reviews” > Click the paperclip icon next to “Send Review Request.” You’ll be prompted to enter the contact’s phone number and create a message. The link to leave a review will be automatically generated in the message. Then hit “Send SMS.”

You’ll receive read receipts when a client has received your request. 


How to Use Reviews® to Manage Reviews 

Reviews® helps you filter through negative reviews by allowing customers a separate portal for delivering negative feedback. This helps protect your business while addressing the concerns of customers. 

You can reply to all reviews--negative or positive--via the dashboard, which conveniently houses communications from all directories in one place. In fact, it’s easy to customize exactly which directories you want pulled into your dashboard!

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